Yes this is a little nerdy. I have been fascinated by the Shortcuts app for the Mac for some time, but never really utilized it before. I love all kinds of automation. Nothing bugs me more than having to repeat tedious tasks. What got me into using them was “Actions for Obsidian”
I recently read an article by a friend about running a personal kanban system. The idea is to create an optimal flow and focus in your work, with a minimal amount of multitasking. You regulate your focus by handling all your tasks on a kanban board. I wanted to do something similar.
But my minimalist todo-app of choice Things 3 doesn’t offer a trello-style board view.
So I thought I would do a kanban board in Obsidian, and fill the board with tasks from Things 3. And it was really easy!
Here’s a link to the Short Cut
Here you can see it work in a short video.
Here’s the short cut in a screen dump.

2 kommentarer til “Get daily todos into a Kanban in Obsidian with Shortcuts”
Bær over hvis jeg har spurgt før, men gør du noget særligt for at håndtere at bloggen er både på dansk og in English? Claude mener jeg bør deklarere med enten et sprogparameter html’en eller ved kategorier der kobler til url-struktur (…/en/tech …/da/fodterapi osv). Orker meget lidt der første, og der andet får skær af gråspurvestorhedsvanvidskanon.
Næ… der var et tidspunkt, hvor jeg gerne ville ud til et bredere publikum, men nu kører jeg bare dansk 🙂